- Height:
- 5'8
- Bust:
- 33
- Waist:
- 26
- Hips:
- 34
- Hair:
- Brown
- State:
- KY
- Willing to Travel:
- Nationwide
- Talent ID:
- 7368
- Instagram:
- Instagram Follower Count:
- 800
- TikTok:
- N/A
- TikTok Follower Count:
- N/A
- Facebook:
- Facebook Friend Count:
- N/A
- Video URL #1:
- Video URL #2:
- Video URL #3:
- Slate URL:
- N/A
- Resume:
- N/A
- Pageant Experience:
- N/A
Jenna is from Kentucky and has been modeling for 5 years. However she doesnt have any pageant experience. Jenna has participated in the Child Model Magazine Fashion Parade. She has even been published in 4 different magazines such as; Child Model Magazine, KidFash Magazine, Bonton Mag and most recently Vigour Magazine. She is always willing to travel for any opportunities she gets. In the future, she wants to go to college for clothes designing to have her own brand one day.