How to take your measurements

How to take your measurements

Posted by Dina Wyatt on Wednesday March 11, 2020

Let’s get down to business and discuss the most asked question:

“How do I take my measurements?”

In this blog we will give you the tricks and tips you need to get your correct measurements.

The importance of being precise is very significant for submission, pre-bookings and castings.

It seems minor to be off an inch or two right? But it’s NOT! That inch or two can make or break a booking for YOU.

Industry standard required measurements are accurate: bust, waist, hip and bare-footed height.

This part may seem silly but you must measure in inches and use a soft fabric measuring tape for accuracy.

Where do you find these measuring tapes?  Most places you already shop! 

Walmart, Target, Walgreens, Michaels, Amazon, you may even find one at your local dollar store.

A helpful YouTube video is below accompanied by a visual guide and sample measurement pictures.

Let’s ensure your greatest success!

Get to measuring! 



Proper Bust Measurement   Proper Waist Measurement   Proper Hip Measurement  

We ask ALL models to have current measurement pictures on file at all times! 

Questions? Contact Us

Please email measurements to our Talent Manager